How to use iOS application files
iOS is the world’s second-most popular mobile operating system with a market share of 28.58%. The iOS operating system is only used by Apple. Apple used the operating system on their mobile device iPhone and iPod touch. Along with iOS, there is one more OS that is used by Apple on their iPad and the OS is known as iPadOS. Both iOS and iPadOS are almost identical and use Apple own’s app store to allow the user and download and install the app. Every day, there are approximately more than 1200 apps released in the iOS Apple app store. All the apps that are present in the iOS app store are in IPA file type and to test an app before launching it on the Apple iOS app store, the developer needs to test the IPA file.
Some iOS users know about the IPA file and its use cases, whereas most of the users do not know about the IPA file. In this article, you will learn about an IPA file, the use cases of an IPA file in Apple devices, and how to open an IPA file.

What is an IPA file?
IPA file is also known as an iOS app store package which is an archive file containing multiple data and elements for iOS applications. It is a file type that can be installed on an iOS device. It’s like the APK file that is used in the Android operating system, but the IPA file type is only for iOS. The IPA file functions as a container where all the pieces of data are stored to make an iPod, iPad, or iPhone app like games, utilities, social networking, news, weather, and many more. The IPA file type is proprietary to Apple and cannot be run except for iOS devices. The structure of an IPA file is the same for every app and consists of a PNG file used for the icon and a payload folder that contains all the app data.
The use cases of IPA files
The IPA file types are used for installing applications on the iOS platforms. The developer can use the IPA file type to test the app before making the app publicly available. After testing the app in IPA file type, the developer and tester find the glitch in the app, make the necessary adjustments in the file type, and then submit the same finalized IPA software into the Apple app store for the target market access.
How to open and install an IPA file
An IPA file is an archive file encrypted with Apple’s DRM technology. That means it is not open-source and cannot be used outside the iOS operating system. However, it is possible to check the app data of an IPA file by changing the extension of the IPA file from .IPA to .zip Once you change the extension of the IPA file to zip, you can unzip the file using the unzipper program like the 7-zip and then you will be able to view all of the contents inside the IPA file.
The newer version of iTunes or the tools like Altstore will help you access the IPA file. However, an iOS device with the older version of iTunes can locate the directory path where the apps are stored.
Here are the default file paths for Mac and Windows:
Mac: ~ > Music > iTunes > iTunes Media > Mobile Applications
Windows: C:> Users > Music > iTunes > iTunes Media > Mobile Applications
Once you open the IPA file, you can view the content it contains.
To test an iOS app before publishing for the Apple app store market, anyone must test the IPA file type of that app. An IPA file must be installed on the device to do that. One of the convenient methods is to use the test flight application. TestFlight allows the developer to install and run an IPA built on the iOS device. Besides, using iTunes it is possible to install the IPA file. To do this from the iTunes app you have to follow the below steps:
iTunes > App Library > drag and drop .IPA file > Install > Sync.
Except for test flight and iTunes, there are many OTA deployments to install the IPA file. OTA means over the air. After downloading the.IPA file, you must go to the OTA deployment sites such as Altstore, Diawi, and installnair and upload the.IPA file, and then a shareable link will be generated. After that, using the shareable link in the same OTA deployment site, it is possible to install the file on your iOS device. These sites offer both free and paid versions.
Finally, anyone can use Xcode to test the IPA file. But before doing that you have to install the Xcode on the MAC first and then follow the below steps:
Xcode > cmd+shift+2 > devices > drag and drop.IPA file.
How to convert an IPA file
IPA files are designed to work and run on the iOS operating system. The file structure of the IPA does not allow it to run over the different operating systems. It is not possible to convert the IPA file type to any other file type. Technically, just it is possible to change the extension from the. IPA to .zip and then view the contents of the IPA files by unzipping.
To publish any app in the Apple iOS and iPadOS Apple store, the developer first must go through the process of testing the IPA file type. Besides, if any user wants to install any app manually on the iOS device, then he needs to use the IPA file types. IPA file types are the only way to install apps, games, and utility software on iOS devices. IPA file can not be used in any other operating system except for iOS and iPadOS (Apple mobile operating system).