Today’s smartphone consists of tons of features. It becomes a part and parcel of our life. We use our mobile phones for entertainment, education, and many other things. Phone companies are also adding new features to attract customers. But, do you think that your phone’s lock screen can be a savior in your life? If you are in an emergency, such as being involved in an accident or in a place where you need a close one immediately, you need a way to quickly reach out to that person.
Fortunately, most smartphone companies are adding a feature to show your ICE (In Case of Emergency) data on your mobile phone’s lock screen. If this feature is enabled, then anyone can view your emergency info without unlocking your phone. In this article, we will discuss the way of adding emergency info on a phone’s lock screen.
How to add emergency info to an iPhone
- First of all, open the Medical ID from the Health app. You can open this in two ways:
- Long press on the Apple Health app and choose Medical ID.
- Open the Apple Health app (It’s pre-installed on Apple devices). Then, tap on the profile image at the top right. If you open the Health app for the first time, then you have to go through a complete health checklist that will take you to the Medical ID section.
- Click on the Medical ID section.
- Tap Edit.
- Fill in the information that you want to provide. Fill in all the medical-related notes and medication if you have any; otherwise, keep them blank.
- For the emergency contact, you can only choose the name and phone number that are available on your contact list. So, make sure that the emergency contact number is saved on your contact list.
- At the bottom of the list, there is an option under emergency access. Toggle on “show when locked.”
- At the top of the list, there is an option to add the profile picture. Put a recent picture of your face. It could help emergency responders know they’re looking at your information and not someone else’s.
- When finished, press Done at the top right.
How to add emergency info on Android
Many Android devices have features to allow you to add emergency info on the lock screen. Where it is depends on which phone and version of Android you have. In all likelihood, it will be something like this:
- In the settings, search for Emergency. You will probably find Emergency or something similar.
- In the Emergency section, you will find all the emergency-related options such as Medical information, Emergency contact, Emergency SOS, and many more.
- Fill in the information that you want to provide. Once you have set up, anyone can find your ICE information by swiping up on the lock screen and tapping Emergency, then Emergency information.
Another option is to add your ICE info directly to the lock screen. Android lets you put any message you want on your lock screen:
- Open the settings.
- Go to the lock screen.
- Tap on the lock style or similar like this.
- Click on Customize and add the Emergency Info there.
These simple steps could help you to get the emergency support when you needed.
Indeed this is a life-saving feature
Thank you, Jahan